

Series of videos and prints depicting stormy seas in Cornwall.

The complex behaviors of the waves serve as a dataset to generate new computational paintings. Speculating on the traditions of landscape painting, the work explores a hybrid substance between the pictorial and the algorithmic.

Artwork by Quayola

Produced by Quayola Studio

Giulia Olivieri (algorithmic paintings and recordings, editing, data-management)

Andrea Santicchia (tech research)

Maria Elena Brugora (production and logistics)

With the support of

Cinematography: Marcus Domleo

Shoot assistance: Henry Keep

Behind the scenes: Matt Robinson

Sound Design: Riccardo Marsana

Software Development: Nikolai Matviev, Kyle McLean, Natan Sinigaglia, Sebastiano Barbieri

Printing & Framing: Artproof

Developed with the support of Aesop